We had a lovely time with the Cummings, our dear family friends in Gurley, AL. Their place was incredible - beautiful view, mountian to hike, pool, dirt, animals, friends, sweet fellowship - everything that you need for a great visit for adults and children alike!
Then we were off to Chattanooga for a visit with Steve and Lesley and their girls (thanks again, y'all!), and to attend Jacob and Lindsey Skogen's wedding. We had lots of fun with S&L - the cousins had a blast together. Maybe they've recovered by now - it's been, what, three weeks?!?
Jake and Lindsey's wedding was one of the most beautiful I've ever been to. Everything was perfect - and Lindsey seemed to feel well and she looked georgeous. It was a great time of celebration and rejoicing, even in the midst of all they've been through, and are going through. We enjoyed reuniting with all our old friends from Lookout Mtn. It's been over two years since we were there, and um, just a few things/people have changed!
Our last stop was Great Gee's condo in Charleston where we enjoyed a week of the beach, the pool, the waterpark, and the beach again, with a little excursion to the Battery Park thrown in. We all had much fun, and spent many hours applying sunscreen to many people 8-)! The picture in my first post was in Gee's living room. Connect Four was the game of choice for our holiday.
School begins on August 22 - I have finally decided when we're going to take the plunge (at least, I THINK I've decided...). Our Classical Conversations group (hereafter CC) starts up the 23, so we don't have much choice. I'm trying to get my school ducks in a row as well as going through the throes of schedule making - seems to be a part time job these days! And part of my new schedule is to get to bed at a decent time (of course). And so, good night!
PS -Excuse the horrible layout - still trying to figure all this out!
Hi, liked your pictures.
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