Weeeelllll, it's been quite a week here on the Davenport home front. Bug collections, princess birthday parties, dart wars, and a baby crawling in the midst of it all were just a few of the highlights! Even though each day is busy and often CRAZY I want to enjoy each one. I'll try to post some pics of our week to show you what we've been up to.
Kevin and Nathan each have an insect pet in a jar that lives on our kitchen table - except during meals, I mean, I have to draw the line somewhere. Kevin has a praying mantis and Nathan has a ladybug. They are out early each morning catching bugs for their little guys to eat for breakfast (cause it's easier to catch bugs early in the morning, or so I'm told). Nathan even took his to church on Wed. night and one of the toddlers let it escape. He was completely broken up! But Super Dad found it (whew!) and even took the boys to get some fly paper to help them in their feeding responsibilities. What is fly paper, exactly? Not sure I want to know!
Ellie and Bonnie have been busy wavering between two extremes. One minute they're wearing the boys dart war stuff, the next they have on feather boas and high heels and are off to a princess birthday party. They are like couple of curly blond puppies, always (well almost) happy and underfoot 8-)!
Seth is crawling really well now - has been for a few weeks. Just tonight he pulled up on the bottom stair, and so I am officially a lot busier than I was yesterday. It's weird to have to worry about little stuff on the floor, etc. again. I guess each time there's more people to leave little things lying around. And two-year-olds don't seem really conscious of things like that!
I'm still trying to get ready for the next school year.
You know, each day is so full already, I'm wondering where we're going to fit school, much less my finding time to organize school! Oh well, we don't start for another week, I've got plenty of time! 8-)
Seriously though, I've been able to talk to some of my dear friends here at church who are a little farther down the road than I am, and it's been so helpful! It's a blessing not to have to always start from scratch as you try to fulfill all your responsibilities. "What did you do about......." a million different things, from schedules to Latin to occupying preschoolers while you school your schoolers, to not losing sight of your REAL priorities. Titus 2, I guess!