Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Potty Humor
Today when Bonnie was sitting on the potty before nap time, she decided to use this moment of having my undivided attention to tell me some...jokes.
Her first one was : "What's your name?" - Mommy
"What color is the sky?" -blue (if you were ever about 6 years old, this is sounding familiar...)
"What is down?" - up (she meant the opposite of down. Still working on her delivery)
"Now put it all together!" - Mommy blue up!
Oh that's a good one! You can tell this girlie has some early elementary aged brothers...
The rest were so diluted by giggles that they made no sense - I'm not sure they would have made sense minus the giggles. But I can stand that kind of potty humor ;-)!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
The Mom Song Sung to William Tell Overture with Lyrics
This is hilarious - didn't want to be the last mom in blogland to post it 8-)!
Blogger's Block
I haven't been able to come up with anything exciting to post about, so this is just to get my juices flowing and let y'all know we're still alive and kickin'. Last week was Fall Break for our CC group - maybe being on break sucked my brain dry...
We had a great week - still did our school at home, but just a little more laid back, you know? Amazing how cutting one thing out makes things seem more manageable. Instead of going to class on Thursday morning, we went to the library, much to everyone's delight (a whole houseful of nerds, that's what we are). We're all excited to begin again with new zeal this week, however ;-).
Sooo, what's goin' on? Bonnie's 3rd birthday is quickly approaching. We're going to have a little park get-together with some of her friends to play and have cake/ice cream. Scott has his presbytery exam for licensure next weekend. He leaves on Thurs. morning and doesn't return until Sat. evening. YIKES! I'm trying to be prepared for that - we have a fun field trip planned with our home school group that Friday. I'm hoping that will cause the time to fly by 8-)!
Since I haven't been posting, I at least tried to jazz things up by changing my colors around. Anyone notice?
Friday, September 28, 2007
I Can't Clean Because it's TOO Messy!!!
Friday is supposed to be my cleaning day - you know, vaccuum, dust, bathrooms, blah, blah, blah. Today at lunch I asked Scott - how was I going to get my cleaning done when everything is sooo messy?!? He laughed and told me I had to put that on the blog site!
How can you vaccuum when there are toys and books on the floor? How do you mop when your 8 mo. old has scattered Cheerios far and wide? etc. etc. etc. Makes perfect sense to me. Maybe it's just a housewife thing ;-)...
On a totally different subject, Scott and I watched "Stranger than Fiction" last Friday night. Pretty good flick - we enjoyed it. Anyway, it made me realize that we have a similar (although much less dramatic) situation in our own home. Ellie narrates her own (usually imaginary, and usually Little House on the Prairie) life continually! I always hear her saying to herself (and I have no idea how you should puctuate all this!) ," And Ma said "Come, Laura, it's time to make your bed", and so Laura ran off to make her bed quickly", as she runs off to make her bed. Or else she'll say to Bonnie, " "Let's go outside, Carrie" said Laura to Carrie". Maybe it makes life more interesting - poor middle child ;-).
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Coram Deo Preschool
Monday, September 24, 2007
Seth's Latest Stunts
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Why buy Post -It notes????
Monday, September 10, 2007
Excuses, excuses
Today at lunch, Bonnie was having a hard time polishing off her PBJ. I mean, we only have PBJ's twice a week - is that toooooo terrible?!? Apparently she thinks so (I'll ask her again when she's in my shoes ;-) ).
Anyway, she peeked inside her sandwhich and informed me that, "It has a bwooze!" Or bruise.
Obviously, hoping that I would cut off a large portion of it, like I do with a bruised banana or apple. I had a laughing fit disguised as a cough, and told her that sandwhiches don't have bruises, and she still had to finish her lunch.
And yesterday, we were listening to a classical music CD while setting the table for dinner, and Kevin asked me if the piece that was playing was "Taco Bell's Cannon." Hmmmmmmm. Good thing our first piano lesson is tomorrow.....
It's all in good fun until someone loses an eye........:-D
Name that quote! No, no, rest assured - no one has lost an eye.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Terrific Twos
OK call my weird, but I love two year olds - I think they're hilarious! They are so transparent, think (and say) the funniest things - Scott calls Bonnie a "toy" because she's so much fun.
Well, recently she's been fascinated by the potty. Thankfully, going potty is going well, she's just fascinated by the different ways people in our house use the potty (having 2 older brothers). Everytime she goes potty, she puts up the seat and says "This is a boy potty." Then she puts down the seat and says "And this is a girl potty."
Today I surprised her in the midst of trying to go "boy potty". The seat was up and she was sidling up to the potty when I found her. Sorry, no pictures! Don't want to encourage that, but it sure made me laugh (after she was gone, of course!).
Thursday, August 30, 2007
You've got to watch your head around here...
Here's a picture I got the other night of Robin Hood and his merry "men", and Maid Marian with the crown and her thumb in her mouth ;-). We're studying the Middle Ages right now and so Kev's been reading a book about the legends of Robin Hood for fun. Then they all got out their hats from Nonie, and made bows and arrows out of sticks from the back yard and rubber bands, and TA-DA! hours of entertainment. I guess a GameBoy would make less noise and less mess, but I don't think I want to trade 8)!
So our SECOND first day of Classical Conversations went off without a hitch. Everyone loves to pull out their backpacks and get their snacks, etc. Homeschooling is great, but there is something about all that kind of stuff that kids love - the pomp and circumstance of "going" to school. I'm glad we can do that in a small way.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Out with the old - a losing battle
Here's a pic of the girls with their new animals. You know, there are all kinds of sacrifices you make as a mom. One of them is not just saying "No thanks!" whenever people offer to give your kids MORE toys - actually considering whether your kids would enjoy them enough to make it worthwhile. To often I just know that I don't feel like stepping over it, cleaning it up, whatever.
So, some folks in our church offered our girls these "Fur Real" animals (Dog and Panda) since their daughter had outgrown them (thankfully, through email so I at least had the option of turning them down :-D). And, even though images of the recent attic cleanup are still dancing in my head, I agreed to take them in.
The girls are loving their little pets - they make noises and the dog walks, but they don't shed, need to be fed or let out, and so for a few days the pleas for a "real" dog have subsided! And hey, maybe when the batteries die, we'll pass them off to someone else (insert maniacal laughter here)! Just Kidding! I think...;-)
Monday, August 27, 2007
Enter baby food, exit pull-ups (we hope)!
I have finally started Seth on baby food. It always takes me several days of mental prep before I begin the baby food thing. But he's so active! and when he starts waking up at 5:45, and in general being more fussy, and starts sucking on his TOES!!! it's obvious the poor child needs more substantial sustenance. Not to mention he's almost 8 months old and has been trying to grab my food off my fork for while now.
I know there are a million pics of kids all over the world with their underwear on their head, but it's a mile marker in a way. Bonnie has finally gone to "big girl" panties - only keeping the pull ups for Sudays. Maybe the transition has been hastened by the fact that her "big girl" panties have flowers and the pull ups were blue with Buzz Lightyear on them (thanks, Auntie Joy!). Another high standard crumbles... :-D!!!
One week down (not sure how many to go...35? something like that!)
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
One of my new favorites!
I just signed up for this a few days ago and it's already great - saved time, money, and brainpower!!! It saves a LOT of time in planning meals, and keeps you out of the "rut" that I've been in. Not every meal is something we would necessarily use, but we have some "standby" meals that we would all hate to see go, so I just fill in the gaps with those (like on Sundays, and/or with company).
Monday, August 20, 2007
True Confessions of a (budding) male gymnast
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Attic Excavation
Saturday, August 11, 2007
HELP! I've crawled in and I can't crawl out!!!
another week flies by!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Off my chest
going through an introspective stage late in life
So, I should've been a movie star instead of a mother???? Or maybe gone into marketing???? It seems to be the thing to put your personality on your blogsite (in my recent experience, at least) and it is interesting...Hard to answer some of those questions - haven't really thought much about what kind of person I am (aren't you supposed to do that as a teen?), and sometimes it was hard to answer what you actually are, as opposed to what you wish you were. I guess it must be my personality ;-)!
Maybe I should get all my kiddos to take the test - the latest parenting technique! I mean, I certainly don't always understand why they do what they do...