Sooooo, that's just a little embarassing. You all know how old fashioned we are, that we actually believe our PAPER calendars when they tell us it's Daylight Savings. Oh well, just something to look forward to this weekend!
Last weekend wouldn't have been a good one for Daylight Savings anyway. Bonnie woke up several times that night and so my extra hour would have been wasted - just replacing the hour that I was up with her anyway.
However, our clocks were still "off". So it made for an interesting Sabbath morning - more interesting than usual, and that's saying something! Scott came into the room (ran in, more like) at what I thought was 7:15 (and I was still in bed) saying "It's not today - it's really 8:15 and we're supposed to leave for church at 9!" Try to imagine how restful it is getting seven people out of bed, dressed in Sunday clothes, fed, etc. in 45 minutes - not to mention that 5 of them require varying degrees of assistance, ranging from minimal to complete. Good thing we only live about 10 minutes from church and could "fudge" on our departure time a little...
Then, Bonnie got sick on Sunday afternoon, and Seth on Sunday night. So it's been a week of sleep deprivation, let me tell you! I'd forgotten how different it is having a sick BABY and a sick CHILD. Seth is not interested in books or videos, nor does he understand that I have other people to take care of.
BUT - we've made it! Bonnie was only a little "off" for about 24 hrs. and Seth's fever has FINALLY broken (I guess I shouldn't complain - first sickness at 10 months isn't too bad). But suffice it to say, I'm lookin' forward to my extra hour this Saturday night!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Potty Humor
Today when Bonnie was sitting on the potty before nap time, she decided to use this moment of having my undivided attention to tell me some...jokes.
Her first one was : "What's your name?" - Mommy
"What color is the sky?" -blue (if you were ever about 6 years old, this is sounding familiar...)
"What is down?" - up (she meant the opposite of down. Still working on her delivery)
"Now put it all together!" - Mommy blue up!
Oh that's a good one! You can tell this girlie has some early elementary aged brothers...
The rest were so diluted by giggles that they made no sense - I'm not sure they would have made sense minus the giggles. But I can stand that kind of potty humor ;-)!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
The Mom Song Sung to William Tell Overture with Lyrics
This is hilarious - didn't want to be the last mom in blogland to post it 8-)!
Blogger's Block
I haven't been able to come up with anything exciting to post about, so this is just to get my juices flowing and let y'all know we're still alive and kickin'. Last week was Fall Break for our CC group - maybe being on break sucked my brain dry...
We had a great week - still did our school at home, but just a little more laid back, you know? Amazing how cutting one thing out makes things seem more manageable. Instead of going to class on Thursday morning, we went to the library, much to everyone's delight (a whole houseful of nerds, that's what we are). We're all excited to begin again with new zeal this week, however ;-).
Sooo, what's goin' on? Bonnie's 3rd birthday is quickly approaching. We're going to have a little park get-together with some of her friends to play and have cake/ice cream. Scott has his presbytery exam for licensure next weekend. He leaves on Thurs. morning and doesn't return until Sat. evening. YIKES! I'm trying to be prepared for that - we have a fun field trip planned with our home school group that Friday. I'm hoping that will cause the time to fly by 8-)!
Since I haven't been posting, I at least tried to jazz things up by changing my colors around. Anyone notice?